Sunday, July 11, 2004

Sweet Slumbering Kitty Accosted by Ingrate Human

Picture it: It's 7:30 a.m. Friday morning and I am snoozing on Nehad's pillow in a little kitty ball. He was sweet enough to scoot all the way over by the wall, so that I might occupy 2/3 of the queen sized bed.

I am thinking about my 8:00 a.m. bird-stalking session, and barely have time to blink my sleepy little eyes, when I hear the door open. Must be one of the servants, I think, as I get more comfortable on Nehad's pillow. When suddenly, someone snaps a COLLAR around my neck. I shake my head and find out that it also has a HIDEOUS RINGING BELL attached. And who should I see but my annoying human slave, who has once again overstepped her bounds, and attempted to collar me, the supreme feline potentate.

So I start howling and rolling and flailing around. "Mumble-mumble," says Nehad as he begins to wake up from his peaceful sleep. Just then I decide to attack the closest thing possible, which happens to be Nehad's ankle. So he freaks out and tries to dive off the bed to save himself. I start howling and run into the living room.

I am mad. Nehad is mad. Mom apologizes, and removes my collar after giving me about five kitty treats. Then she takes off to work. Seems she thought I might escape from the condo. Nehad points out everything was peaceful until SHE showed up.

I really don't understand humans these days. CATS DO NOT WEAR COLLARS. ESPECIALLY ONES WITH BELLS.

Naturally I have contacted my attorney. Which brings me to another topic, my formal complaint I have filed against my previous catsitter. More on that later. I need to take a nap.



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