Saturday, December 30, 2006

Sasha Louise Makes Special Appearance in "Apocolypto"

I was at home last year when my agent called me to make an appearance in Mel Gibson's "Apocolypto." Of course I said yes. It was tons of fun--I got to run pel mel through the jungle, then I attacked and ripped someone's face off in a very violent manner. It wasn't that different than when I tried to kill the Kaiser, so I was well-rehearsed.

Poor Mom is still living in the shadow of my celebrity. No one calls for her anymore--everyone wants to talk to me.

Grandma and Grandpa visited over Thanksgiving, and they bitched mom out for having sushi and not bringing me any. Grandpa is normally very cheap, but he thinks I deserve a $4.00 slice of salmon. He's right of course. Now that I'm famous, I should be eating only the best.



Blogger Unknown said...

Hey my name is Johnny and I speak for me and my brother Sid. We are fucking cool kittens man - we live in Brooklyn fucking New York and we rock.

scratch ya later missy

10:08 AM  
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12:18 AM  

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