Monday, May 15, 2006

Kittens of the Corn

Yesterday evening, Mom and the Kaiser were amazed to see me and Fatty Catty sitting together at the dining room window, staring out into the backyard. We were having a stare-off with another kitty, who was hiding just below the ridge of the ditch by our house. We could only see his creepy yellow eyes peering over the bank.

About an hour later, near dusk, there is yet another cat sitting in the same spot, staring into the house with a zombified expression. It sat out there for nearly and hour, and started creeping Mom out. Fatty and I think there is some sort of insidious plan amongst the neighborhood cats. Fatty, of course, is useless in any sort of confrontation, so it will be up to me to save the human servants from the invading cat zombie army.

In other news, the Kaiser has been eating a lot of ice cream bars lately. He actually lets Fatty eat half of it and then he finishes it himself. Mom says it's kind of gross to eat after your cat, but she's eaten after me plenty of times--she just doesn't realize how many times I've licked her pizza and licked her water glass at night. Although she did catch me using her toothbrush one time, and got all dramatic by making a big show of boiling it. Humans are so crazy.


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