Sunday, April 23, 2006

Does anyone want a free tabby?

Well, we're officially moved. And while I do enjoy having tons more room, I do not enjoy the company of Fatty Catty. She is an oranged striped minion of evil. All this time everyone thought I was the little beastie, but it's actually her. She'll pick on me, and then turn around and act all sweet and innocent. As soon as the Kaiser and Mom leave for work, she lights up a cigarette and starts trolling the internet for tomcats.

The Kaiser is such a sucker for her cute little face. It makes me nauseous. That's ok though, because I have a lot of fun tormenting him at 5:30 in the morning by whacking him in the face with my fluffy tail. Flabby Tabby and I have been fighting every morning precisely at 6:00 a.m. Sometimes I stalk her, and sometimes she stalks me.

The move really sucked. I was scared to death by all the noise, and I hid in the basement. There's a big hole down there, that was dark and sinister looking. So of course, I jumped in it. Unfortunately it was filled with water. Mum said it was the sump pump. She found me soaking wet hiding behind one of her moving boxes.

The Kaiser seems to be under the mistaken assumption that he's alpha cat. He has attempted to stop me from jumping on the kitchen table, the counters and my favorite spot, the top of the fridge. Yesterday I was relaxing on the very tip top of the kitchen cabinets, when that big oaf got a ladder, grabbed me and put me back on the floor. I was not happy.

Well, I'm going to go lick myself and try to torment the Kaiser again.


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