Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Thank GOD I'm home

The Kaiser's cat was a complete beeyatch. I finally decided I would tolerate the old cow, and then she started jumping on me. To make matters worse, the Kaiser thinks he's alpha cat. He wouldn't let me climb all over the kitchen counters and the table like Mom does. Mom doesn't want him to know that though.

When they went to put me back into the cat carrier I went completely feral. I ran and hid under the bed. The Kaiser chased me out with the vacuum cleaner and Mom tried to catch me, but I'm too fast for her. She finally grabbed me, at which point I clawed and bit the hell out of her. She dropped me and I took off again, only to be caught by the Kaiser as I was hauling ass for the border. I really let him have it with the vicious hissing. My cute little ears were back and I was doing my best possessed kitty impression.

When I realized I was going home, it was all good. I just couldn't let them think they can stuff me in cat carriers at will, now could I?

Also can you believe that Mom and the Kaiser went out for his birthday and ate SEAFOOD and didn't bring me any?


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