Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Nota Bene, Humans

Greetings inferior furless bipeds. In case you haven't noticed, Halloween is rapidly approaching. Not only am I the official Spokescat of Halloween, but it's also my birthday. So I want you all to immediately go buy me gifts! Right now! I want sushi, mice and kitty treats. Or else!

The Black Cats Union Local 13 had a meeting recently to plan our yearly campaign of human intimidation. I got to practice on Nihad, who came down this weekend to visit. I enjoyed biting him several times, and poking him in the face with my paw when he fell asleep during the movie mom rented.

So far, the plan is to scare the hell out of as many humans as possible, particularly my mom. Recently, Mom was listening to "Nativity in Black" by Black Sabbath, and I did my best demon-possessed cat impression. I ambushed her as she came out of the bathroom. Gnashing teeth, crazed appearance, the works. So now Mom is afraid to listen to her Black Sabbath cds around me. I got extra pay for that from the Union.

Well, it's time to go back to napping and licking myself. Have to save up my strength for tonight when Mom gets home.


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