Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Kaiser wrecks helicopter; Fatty barfs; Mom Chases off Mormons

Today has been an exciting week. The Kaiser decided to launch his model helicopter in the basement. When it went out of control (duh) the blades took out Fatty's food dish, and the cheap generic pellets that he buys here went everywhere.

In other news, Fatty barfed in mom's office chair. I decided to smack her one on her very ample hind quarters for that.

Mom chased away some Mormons a second ago. She already told them we're Episcopalean and we're quite happy, but they're hellbent on conversion I guess.

That's about all that's going on right now. I haven't been blogging much because my human typist slave got a new job and is really "busy." :P

Monday, June 05, 2006

Because feral is more fun

Yesterday I went totally feral on both Mom and Fatty. Mom was trying to do laundry, and I attacked one of her sweatshirts. We played tug-of-war with it for a while, with me howling and hissing when she got it away from me. I was just trying to have fun.

Then I chased Fatty Catty all the way through the house and down the stairs, prompting the skinny dork guy to threaten me. I forsee a meeting between Mom's cast iron skillet and his grill. Well, not really. She's actually going to put me back on Prozac.

I'm gearing up for the big 6/6/06 party tomorrow, so I'm doing my best Devil Cat impersonation. Rowrrrrrr hissss phhhttt!
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